Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saving the Best for Last

Last day, yikes. Ok let's do this. The drive was not bad other then the weather was rainy. It would have been the first time I didn't have the windows down since we went through the desert of Nevada (hotter than hell.) I still put the windows down a little bit just to keep the streak alive. I was excited about Pittsburgh because we had a friend/hostess awaiting our arrival. Morgan, who I met through Steve, had just moved out there for a sweet job with Red Bull. We were all very impressed at the fact that she was a "real" person, with her own apartment, a real job; she was pretty awesome. We hung out at her place for a while, where she made a delicious dinner, and we were all doing some wining while dining. Joe never really drank wine, and I guess he felt like he needed to make up for lost time. He and Steve did some damage to the gift bottles they brought for Morgan. After dinner, we watched Rocky IV in it entirety when the original plan was to get depressed by Apollo Creed's death and then head out on a high note. Somehow we stayed for the entire thing and then went out. Morgan took us to the South Side which apparently has one of the highest concentrations of bars in the US (best for last). We started off at Smokin Joes because someone insisted, I don't think I need to say who, but the bar was named after him. After about 15 minutes of trying to get a drink when it wasn't even that busy, the place was renamed by Joe to be Smokin Blows. We finally got a drink, and then went next store to some Tiki place. This was a great stop because well drinks were $1 and Jager bombs were $3. This was trouble. For the most part everything went smoothly, Steve and Joe were dancing again until something went wrong and we had to leave. I'm still not really sure what happened, but we left and went somewhere else. This one bar was playing some pretty good music and Morgan and I lost the other two to the dance floor pretty quickly. When we went upstairs to get them, we walked into something I wasn't prepared for. Two larger white guys were standing in the middle of the floor, and it looked like they were putting on a rap concert? I don't know, but we spotted our boys and they looked a little unsure about their surroundings but they were still having a great time. We then went back, and Morgan made us a pizza from scratch (frozen, but still delicious). Joe tried to claim the couch, but me and Steve carefully placed him on the floor with some pillows. We all called it a night, so ended the last night. It was a very fun night was pretty much the perfect way to end the trip.

In the morning, Morgan made us breakfast that was again awesome. It was funny because whenever she was cooking, she was on the phone and it seemed that the only thing she needed was a kid running around that she had to control and then she would have been true grown up. To keep playing the hostess role, she took us to her office/warehouse. She had a Red Bull Mini, a pile of cases of Red Bull, every type of Red Bull furniture you could think of, and a "meeting room" that had Love Sacs (giant bean bags) instead of a table and chairs. So pretty much, she has an awesome job. She gave us each a case of Red Bull and then we went back said our goodbyes and hit the road for the final time. Next stop home, not too sure how I feel.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I am glad you wrote all this down because after Rocky IV, I have no recollection of the night.