Monday, June 16, 2008

The Alien World

That morning I woke up around 6:15 and wanted to watch the sunrise. Biggest mistake ever. In the tent it felt a little cool, but as soon as I got out, it was freezing. I knew it got cold in the desert at night because of no moisture in the air to hold the heat, but this was ridiculous. Me and Steve ended up sitting in the car with almost all our clothes on the watch the sunrise, it was pretty romantic. We then packed up and prepared to enter Buckskin. There was a crazy Frenchman who tried to tell us that we needed a permit to enter, but I knew enough to know that he was wrong. We started the hike through the desert and took the first ominous turn we saw. After about 15 min of hiking it didn't feel right, and that crazy Frenchman popped out and said that we were all going the wrong way. So we turned around and headed the other way. After walking for a while with no signs I was getting a little nervous. I wanted to find this place. So I put down my pack and ran ahead about 1/2 mile to the end of the first trail where I finally found it. I went back to get Steve and Joe and we then approached and entered the Gulch. It was out of this world. When you think alien planet, this is the type of thing you think of. Check out the pictures, but it was the narrowest, tallest thing I have ever been in. I can't really say much about it, but wow. This one definitely out did the Grand Canyon. Needless to say we were all smiles the entire hike. After a few hours, we headed back to the car and took off for Zion NP. This day will be with me forever. Who am I kidding, I will not forget anything about this entire trip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just read your latest Blog update and saw the new pics (including the three man moon). What a great adventure. Can't wait for the next episode. Love, Dad